The Gap Arts Festival Short-Short Play Showcase is open to anyone over 16 years of age residing in Ireland. Entries, which must be original work, have a strict maximum of one thousand words – including stage directions. Any works exceeding this limit will not be considered.
There is a maximum of two characters in each script, – any gender or age.
The deadline for entries is noon July 16th. No entries will be considered after this time.
We are only able to accept entries submitted online.
Please do not submit any supporting materials including CDs, photographs, reviews or any audio-visual material.
Scripts must be submitted by the writer and not by an agent or any other third party.
The entrant must exclusively own and control all copyright and all other related rights to the submitted script.
The submitted script must be available for production at the Gap Arts Festival August 6-8, 2021.
All scripts must be double-spaced, and sent as PDFs to
No correspondence will be entered into, except notification of winners.
There is a ten Euro fee per entry, to cover administration.